Access to Geospatial or location-based information and data is provided to the public through NYCityMap. NYCityMap is targeted towards non-mapping professionals and provides a wealth of geographic-based information from the input of a single location. In addition to indicating the specific building requested, users can select additional layers to add to the map such as schools, day care. GIS Data Files for Download. The Health Department's GIS Center provides datasets for public use. Below is a compilation of some resources available as shapefile. For information on what each file represents, as well as definitions for variables and how to correctly interpret them, please review each shapefile's metadata file. Novem | pm COVID Vaccines. Vaccine appointments are available at New York State mass vaccination sites for children ages 5- Vaccines are also widely available through your child's pediatrician, family physician, local county health department, FQHC, or pharmacy.
Open Data is free public data published by New York City agencies and other partners. Share your work during Open Data Week or sign up for the NYC Open Data mailing list to learn about training opportunities and upcoming events. Search the NYC Open Data catalog. Learn about the next decade of NYC Open Data, and read our Report. NYC Open Data: Clearinghouse for data from all New York City of this data in this collection is already in GIS friendly formats. BYTES of the Big Apple: Portal for the geographic datasets provided by the NYC Planning bltadwin.rues tax lots (Mappluto), various boundaries and facilities, and official street centerline (LION) files. DEC's Geodata Inventory can be accessed from the New York State GIS Clearinghouse (leaves DEC's website). The Environmental Resource Mapper is an interactive mapping application that can be used to identify some of New York State's natural resources and environmental features that are state or federally protected, or of conservation concern.
The NYC 3D Model by Community District is a publicly available model consisting of every building in New York City present in The model is based on DOITT’s aerial survey, which provides roof structure details, including a high-level of detail for certain iconic buildings. Download Free New York ArcGIS Shapefiles, GIS Maps, Data and Resources. New York State Clearinghouse for Geographic Data - Center for technology in Government- Users can search for data using forms (limiting by county, lat/long, theme, or free-text) and with a clickable image map. A browse list of available data coverages is also available. GIS Web Services. Browse GIS Data Set Inventories. List All Data Set Owners - An alphabetic list of all data sharing cooperative members who have data sets available.; List All Data Set Owners by Sector - An alphabetic list of all data sharing cooperative members who have data sets available, grouped by business sector, e.g. "Academia", "State Government", etc.