· I'm new to the jailbroken ps3 Im use to modding with USB but just recently got a jailbroken ps3 I got everything hooked up but don't know how to use the ccapi I got it to hook to my ps3 and PC but am clueless From there I don't want to mess up my systems they tell me to spoof the cid with 32 zero's after fully loaded into a lobby on the PC I open multiman got my game mounted back to xmb. · · Download ControlConsole API from our website for free. The following versions: and are the most frequently downloaded ones by the program users. ControlConsole API works fine with bit and bit versions of Windows XP/Vista/7/8/ This free /5(7). CcApi_package__Rev7 - Google Drive. Name. Folders. Download. PC. Download. PS3. No files in this. Sign In. Details.
PC. Ahora en nuestro PC ejecutamos la aplicación CCAPI-setupVexe para instalarlo, una vez finalizado el proceso de instalación, vamos a vincular nuestra PS3 con el PC para ello haremos lo siguiente; con la PS3 encendida y desde el PC abrimos el programa Control Console bltadwin.ru, pulsamos donde pone FILE/ADD NEW CONSOLE, en esta ventana. Download the CCAPI package at the bottom of this page; Inside, you should find a folder called PS3 with bltadwin.ru, put it on the root of a usb stick. On PC, it is installed with the bltadwin.ru (rev7) Added CEX support (rev6) Added DEX support. Sign In. Details.
Ccapi 2 80 Pc Download; Ccapi Download; Ccapi ; Control Console API or known better as simply CCAPI has been updated with (CEX) CFW Support by developer Enstone. This update is just a firmware compatibility revision (rev. 7) to version So expect all the same features you have been accustom to using in CCAPI but now with How to install CCAPI Console Manager on CFW PS3 (PS3 Jailbreak Required) Download Controle Console API by Enstone: bltadwin.ru CCAPI v Rev CCAPI is a software that establishes a connection between your ps3 and your computer. You can control your ps3 from your pc. Some CCAPI functions: Debug non-fself fself in real time. Real time memory edit on CEX/DEX. Wire (less) connection.